Tuesday, October 23, 2012

 This is a layout I made this weekend for a friend, who just had twin grandbabies, (his first and second)!! Boy and Girl. I just love TWINS!
 Repost of Gage's birthday page.
 My beautiful grand-daughter Johnna at her wedding rehersal. This is a mosaic technique. The flowers are bottle caps the center one with googly eyes.
 Car art - Dan wanted an Eiffel tower with a red cowboy hat for the back of his truck, he didn't know I could make him one.
Some of my favorite cards from last Christmas. I thought they turned out pretty well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GGB4's first haircut page. The little pouch in the center is for a snip of his hair. And of course there had to be googly eyes on the page. The I's are dotted with eyelets.
First birthday party for GGB4. I will try to do better pictures.

I have fallen into the blog machine and don't know how to get out!!

This is my first post on my first blog! I bet there is no-one in the world who will look at it, but here it is.
I am passionate about many things; God, my family (which includes 4 dogs, 2 children, 1 daughter in love, 8 grandchildren and 4.66 great grandchildren. But as you may surmise from the title of the blog, I adore scrapbooking and card making. I am not claiming to be an expert, but I do love it! So although I may post about my family, I will mainly post pics of scrapbook pages and cards.
Here is a simple page I did of my great grandson Gage.
Here is another. Using the Stand and Salute Cricut cartridge, and the Americana paper pack I designed this page to fit the picture of GGB4 (great grandbaby #4) because of his shirt and hat. I think it turned out really well.